Washington (Agencies): A recent report by Clear Food, an independent food analytics company, has revealed that some hot dogs and sausages sold in the United States contain traces of human DNA. The study, which analyzed 345 samples from 75 different brands sold at 10 retailers, found that 2% of the samples tested positive for human DNA.

Interestingly, four out of the six samples that tested positive were vegetarian products. The report also highlighted other issues, such as the presence of undeclared ingredients like chicken, lamb, turkey, and beef in some samples. Additionally, 10% of the vegetarian products tested contained meat, raising concerns about labeling accuracy and hygiene.

The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council has dismissed the report as a “publicity stunt,” emphasizing that all products undergo inspection and approval by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. However, food safety experts suggest that the presence of human DNA in these products could be due to contamination during the manufacturing process.

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