• By: Ubaid Sahil

Finally, after some intense attacks and retaliations, tensions between Iran and Israel seem to be de-escalating. First, it should be clear that war is not the solution; it only creates more complex problems. Every human deserves to live in peace and freedom, whether they live in Iran, Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, or even Russia. Nation-states should responsibly resolve conflicts and tensions that challenge international peace, as some countries have done in the Iran-Israel tensions.

Israel attacked the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 1st. This was a clear violation of international law. Israel has been observed to disregard international laws, as evidenced by the massacre of over 34,000 people so far. This brutal mass killing continues with the support of the United States and other Western nations. The only power now opposing Israel is the Iranian-backed network known as ‘The Axis of Resistance,’ which is carrying out attacks in different regions. This network includes groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen’s Houthis, and Shia militant groups in Iraq and Syria.

After the attack on its embassy, Iran felt it was important to retaliate against Israel to maintain its sovereignty. However, due to concerns about escalating global tensions, Iran planned an attack that could restore its sovereignty and global image while also discouraging Israel from attacking again. After multiple days of planning, Iran decided to launch a retaliatory operation titled ‘Operation The True Promise’ on April 14th. The operation involved deploying 170 drones and 150 missiles. Most of the drones and missiles were intercepted by Israel’s strong defense system with the help of US and British jets. Only a few managed to enter deep into Israel and hit their targets.

Operation True Promise successfully achieved Iran’s goal of showcasing an act of retaliation without causing heavy or fatal damage. Prior to launching the operation, Iran had already informed the United States, Saudi Arabia, and other countries of the possible operation, including its timing and range. The Tehran regime itself did not want to escalate the war into a global conflict. This attack did not leave any justifiable reason for Israel to retaliate against Iran.

However, it was the first time in a long period that the Israeli state was challenged by another country. Israel’s untouchable status was challenged, and Israel felt it necessary to respond to Iran for attacking its territory. Like Iran, Israel planned a retaliatory operation that would not escalate the war into a broader conflict. Pressure from the international community to de-escalate the war was another factor. On the other hand, Israel’s Netanyahu was also facing internal pressure from aggressive extremist voters who wanted war with Iran.

Multiple meetings were held by Israel’s war cabinet, and after each meeting, Israeli officials announced their decision to launch an attack on Iran. The purpose of these meetings was to find a way to attack Iran with minimal damage to prevent further escalation. Additionally, it was important to find a justifiable reason to attack Iran. Up to this point, Israel had been denying any damage from Iran’s attack. However, at this point, Israel began claiming that Iran’s attack had killed their soldiers and partially damaged their airbases.

During these sessions, multiple possible options were discussed. Some Israeli cabinet members suggested that Israel should directly attack Iran, not only for revenge but also to satisfy their voters. Others argued that Israel should attack the units of the Axis of Resistance to prevent further escalation. This idea was not accepted by most, as they believed it was insufficient to satisfy their voters. A third suggestion was to attack Iran in a less damaging manner. Finally, after multiple meetings and discussions, the third option was chosen, and Israel launched a retaliatory attack on Iran on the night of April 18th to April 19th.

Initially, the Iranian media denied any sort of attack and then showcased minimal damage from the attack. In line with its de-escalation policy, Iran made efforts to calm the tensions. Otherwise, a large-scale war could not only challenge regional peace but also international peace. Some believe that in the event of a large war, Russia would support Iran in taking revenge against the United States and other Western nations for their support of Ukraine in the Russia-Ukraine war, which has the potential to risk global peace.

  • Ubaid Sahil is a student and Columnist.
  • ubaidsa9@gmail.com

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