• By: Zarar Sheikh

The sea of people that came out throughout the country, especially in KPK and Punjab, to vote for PTI’s selected independent candidates, has clearly revealed the objective reality on the ground. The most popular leader in all the provinces, is none other than prisoner number 804 ( Imran Khan ); and his party, the PTI.

This has shattered all the plans of the Military Establishment, and completely shaken their puppet politicians, especially their favorites: The Sharif Family Mafia.

Suddenly, in the middle of counting the votes cast and accordingly declaring results as they keep coming in, the powers that be, have stopped announcing the results as they were coming in from various precincts. This action is causing a grave concern and anxiety among the people, fearing that a major rigging may be underway to change the results. It is a little past midnight, and a large section of people is out on the streets demanding the results be announced without any delay.

Having waited for so long to be given a chance to elect a government of their own choice, if the results are tempered with and not declared soon, the situation can start to deteriorate rapidly and get really ugly and even possibly confrontational. I believe, the people are not in a mood to accept any rulers, imposed by the Establishment.

I think as the 9th of February dawns, the Military has to take some crucial decisons, and there are only two choices: accept the people’s verdict and let democracy thrive or go against the people’s mandate, install a puppet government. The latter option is bound to lead to a disastrous outcome for the country with unknown consequences.

It is a decisive moment.

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