• By: Usman Chaudhry

Many people often liken artificial intelligence (A.I.) to intelligence in the same way they compare artificial flowers to real ones – a mere imitation. However, there are growing concerns expressed by philosophers, historians, and technologists about the rapid proliferation of A.I. suggesting a more profound impact.

Figures like Stephen Hawking, who saw A.I. as a significant threat to humanity, Yuval Noah Harari, who predicted the emergence of a “useless class” due to A.I., and Elon Musk, who labeled it a disaster, have all voiced their reservations. But why this resistance to A.I.? Does it truly render humans irrelevant?

To explore the notion of human irrelevance in the era of A.I., we must delve deeper into the reasons behind this concern.

First and foremost, A.I. is making its way into hospitals, where robots are poised to take on roles as doctors and nurses, leaving the real medical professionals in a state of uncertainty and potential irrelevance.

Secondly, the education sector has already witnessed A.I. taking over human roles. In Japan, robots are now teaching English to students, signaling a shift away from human educators. Similar to doctors, teachers may also find themselves replaced by machines.

Thirdly, the banking industry has significantly automated its operations with A.I., resulting in a drastic reduction in human bank employees. In places like Arizona, the workforce has shrunk by as much as 98%. Human employees are deemed irrelevant in this automated landscape.

Fourthly, even in the realm of aviation, flight attendants are being replaced by robots. Emirates Airlines has been at the forefront of this shift. Human stewards have seen their roles diminished in the wake of A.I. takeover.

Fifthly, the automotive industry has embraced automatic driving modes, effectively sidelining human drivers. A.I. has made it clear that humans are no longer relevant in this context.

Lastly, across various sectors, from interviewing job candidates to invigilating exams, robots are increasingly taking over roles once performed by humans. Elon Musk himself was interviewed by a robot, causing astonishment worldwide. This trend is set to continue.

As A.I. steadily assumes control over an array of jobs, from skilled to administrative, it appears that the world is headed towards a future where humans may find themselves standing on the sidelines. In essence, humans may become subservient to these machines, rather than their masters. The relevance of humanity to life on this planet could be at risk of erosion as A.I. continues to advance.

  • Usman Chaudhry

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