Gitega (Agencies): During a press conference on Friday, Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye sparked outrage by publicly calling for the stoning of same-sex couples in the country.

Ndayishimiye went on to suggest that the general population should participate in carrying out this punishment, labeling marriage between same-sex individuals as an “abominable practice.”

The President also criticized Western nations for using financial threats to coerce smaller countries into adopting pro-LGBTQ values, dismissing their assistance.

Homosexuality has been illegal in Burundi since 2009, punishable by up to two years in prison for consensual same-sex activity. While there is no death penalty for it, the president’s recent remarks intensify concerns about LGBTQ rights in the region.

Over 30 African states maintain anti-LGBTQ laws, with the West attempting to leverage financial aid to counter such legislation..

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