In the harrowing dance of destruction between Israel and Palestine, an economic story unfolds that reveals stark differences in the myths of this ongoing conflict.

The economic battlefield is a sharp mirror reflecting the profound consequences of ongoing hostilities. Israel, a formidable economic powerhouse with a GDP of $500 billion, is hemorrhaging financially at an alarming rate.

The rapid 8% devaluation of the new Israeli Shekel in just one month is a tangible indicator of the current crisis. With flights canceled, schools empty, and growth forecast for the year to fall from 3.5% to a potential 1.1% by the end of the year, if the conflict persists, Israel faces an economic downturn akin to rewinding time 16 years.

On the other side of this tumultuous divide, Palestine bears an economic burden of $5 billion, a fraction of its neighbor’s fiscal hemorrhage. However, the real currency of this conflict is not dollars; it’s lost lives, broken homes, and a darkened future.

This is not just a plea to quit; it is a pragmatic examination of the economic precipice on which Israel teeters. The costs are not just financial; they are social and developmental.

Flight cancellations, school closures, and disruptions to daily life have consequences that go far beyond monetary value. It calls for a recalibration of priorities and urges a pause not only for the preservation of Palestinian lives but also for Israel’s fiscal survival.

The $51 billion price tag is unsustainable economically and in the broader context of destroyed communities, disrupted education, and diminished prospects.

This conflict is a stark reminder that the costs of war go beyond dollars and cents. It is measured by progress lost, lives destroyed, and societies broken.

As the world watches, the hope is for a solution that transcends immediate hostilities and offers both Israel and Palestine a chance to rebuild not only economically, but more importantly, in terms of shared humanity and lasting peace.

Khadim Hussain


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