Dear Editor,
I wanted to bring to your attention a major recent progress in the decline of Polio Cases in Pakistan as compared to last year, Little children are susceptible to the extremely dangerous disease of Polio.

It is contracted by consuming tainted food or water or by coming into touch with an infected person. Regretfully, Pakistan is one of the few nations where incidences of polio persist. but don’t panic!

The government, along with international organizations, is going all out to vaccinate kids and spread awareness about the importance of polio shots. They organize these cool vaccination campaigns and even go door-to-door to make sure every child gets the vaccine. Parents must take their little ones to these vaccination centers and get them protected.

And thanks to all the team members who are Working sincerely During Polio Campaigns Whether it is NID or SNID.

The good news is that these efforts are making a difference! The number of polio cases in Pakistan has been going down. But we can’t stop now! It’s important to keep spreading the word and encouraging everyone to get vaccinated. By getting the vaccine, we can prevent the spread of polio and make sure our future generations stay safe. and in Polio Campaigns Lady Health Workers play a very important role by giving their hundred percent efforts, no doubt they are real Heroes of Our Society. As a responsible citizen and for the sake of society, I request all parents to please co-operate with Polio Teams it’s all about Your Children’s Health and for their bright Future.

By not cooperating, it not only affects your child but also it is a threat to other children. Please be humble to your child and all future stars of our Society.
By working together, we can prevent this illness from affecting our kids. We can strive towards a Pakistan Free Polio by raising awareness, promoting immunization, and siding with national and international initiatives.

Keep your children safe from paralysis.

Noor Ul Ain Mangi
Khairpur Mirs

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