Islamabad (Adnan Hameed): The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Islamabad, Pakistan, hosted a distinguished ceremony commemorating the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution and the National Day of Iran.

The event was graced by esteemed guests, including Pakistan’s caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani, Governor Sindh Kamran Tessori, Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Murtaza Solangi, alongside Peer Naqeeb Ur Rehman and Noorul Haq Qadari, collectively emphasizing the enduring friendship and cooperation between Iran and Pakistan.

Addressing the distinguished gathering, Ambassador Reza Amiri Moghadam extended warm wishes for a bright and prosperous future. He underscored the importance of fortifying bilateral relations, recognizing the profound historical, cultural, and religious ties that bind the two neighboring nations.

The ceremony commenced with the national anthems of both Iran and Pakistan, performed by young children holding and waving the flags of both nations. Ambassador Moghadam expressed gratitude to Foreign Minister Jilani for gracing the occasion, acknowledging the honor it bestowed.

In his speech, Ambassador Moghadam reflected on the unbreakable relations between Iran and Pakistan, rooted in historical, geographical, and ethnic commonalities. He highlighted significant steps taken to enhance economic and trade relations, including the opening of common border crossings and markets.

The ambassador praised the Islamic Revolution of Iran as a pivotal event of the 20th century, fostering self-confidence and independence. He emphasized Iran’s achievements in scientific, industrial, cultural, medical, and technological advancements, overcoming challenges from external forces.

Ambassador Moghadam reaffirmed Iran’s commitment to an independent foreign policy, expressing support for the Muslim world. He commended Pakistan on the successful nationwide election, expressing hope for progress and prosperity under the new government.

The traditional cake-cutting ceremony, led by the Iranian ambassador, Pakistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Information & Broadcasting, added a symbolic touch to the event.

The ceremony concluded with participants engaging in networking, followed by a lavish dinner hosted by the Iranian embassy at a local hotel in Islamabad, Pakistan. The gathering marked not only a historical milestone but also highlighted the ongoing collaboration and camaraderie between the two nations.

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