ISLAMABAD (Adnan Hameed): Pakistan’s first opera star and world’s first Sufi Opera singer Saira Peter has released Maulana Rumi’s fusion qawwali (‘Rabeem Ver’) worldwide.
She composed the Sufi kalam of Maulana Rumi herself, recorded the audio in Arias Studio (London), and shot the video at the site of Rumi’s Shrine. Konya Culture and Tourism Directorate
granted special permission for the on-location shoot, the first time ever.Saira Peter, a British Pakistani, said in a statement that Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi’s search for spirituality led him to travel from Afghanistan to Konya with his respected father at the age of 19 after completing his elementary studies.

Inspired by Maulana Rumi’s poetry on God’s grace, Saira Peter composed a qawwali ‘Rabeem Ver’ featuring his sufi kalam in Farsi and Turkish which she performed for Mystic Music Festival Konya.
Saira was in a view that the special theme of his poetry was spirituality and real love or divine love. She pointed out that at the same time, he also emphasised the themes of tolerance of people of all faith communities, beliefs, morals, generosity, goodness and training. He also taught about the importance and reality of love. Because of this significance Maulana also wrote about grace, something all creation needs. The sufi opera singer felt privileged to create this fusion qawwali, in which she joined western and eastern classical sounds. Following release of the video, appreciation has been pouring in from around the world. Listeners from any culture feel that the music and its lyrics are for them.
Saira Peter states she is so humbled to see the response of fans and music lovers. She hopes this fusion qawwali will blow a fresh wind throughout the sufi music scene worldwide.
Following her performance, which was lauded by no less than sajjada nasheen Mrs Esin Celebi herself, Saira and Konya Culture and Tourism Directorate agreed to collaborate on a video of the song.