Islamabad (Adnan Hameed): The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) on Tuesday sought collaboration with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in the Financial Sector to attract investment from Pakistani investors in its flourishing economy.

Jemal Beker Abdula, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of FDR Ethiopia in Pakistan, expressed the desire for collaboration in a meeting with Federal Minister for Finance, Revenue, and Economic Affairs Dr. Shamshad Akhtar.

During the meeting, both sides discussed matters of mutual interest including different initiatives to deepen the already flourishing bilateral ties between the two countries.

Ambassador Jemal Beker briefed the minister about the home-grown economic reforms carried out by Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, in five major sectors including agriculture, agro-processing, manufacturing, mining, technology, and tourism.

He also highlighted the initiatives taken by the Embassy of FDR Ethiopia in Islamabad during its first year for strengthening the bilateral relations between the two countries through strong bilateral, regional, and multilateral cooperation.

“Opening of the Ethiopian Embassy in Pakistan is a game changer for Ethiopia-Pakistan bilateral relations,” the ambassador said, adding the arrival of Ethiopian Airlines in Karachi is another breakthrough in the two countries’ ties.

The exchange of multiple official and trade delegations between the two countries also took place during the maiden year of the Ethiopian Embassy in Islamabad, he said, while highlighting the strong appetite on both sides for advancing partnerships between Ethiopia and Pakistan.

The ambassador said he believed that trade and investment relations would drive bilateral ties between the two countries that share so much in common.

Finance Minister Dr. Shamshad Akhtar congratulated the ambassador on opening the Embassy in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and the arrival of Ethiopian Airlines in Pakistan.

She lauded the impressive reforms carried out by FDR Ethiopia in the recent past and reiterated the commitment of the government of Pakistan to strengthening bilateral relations with Ethiopia.

“We are glad to collaborate with Ethiopia for further strengthening its financial system,” the minister said, while assuring all-out support to the ambassador for deepening economic cooperation between the two countries.

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