ISLAMABAD (Khyber Mail): Ambassador Akua Sekyiwa Ahenkora, the head of Ghana’s Foreign Service Training Institute, underscored the significance of South-South cooperation in addressing emerging transnational issues such as climate change and cyber security during a roundtable discussion at the Institute of Regional Studies (IRS).

Ambassador Ahenkora asserted that transnational challenges know no borders, making it crucial for all nations, particularly developing ones, to unite in response. Reflecting on her inaugural visit to Pakistan, she expressed that the experience dispelled many misconceptions about the country and left a positive impact. She advocated for increased interpersonal exchanges between Pakistan and Ghana based on her experiences.

She highlighted the active role of the Pakistani community in Ghana, contributing significantly to the Ghanaian economy and strengthening Pakistan-Ghana relations. Ambassador Ahenkora called for intensified efforts to bolster the relationship between the two nations, particularly in terms of bilateral trade. She encouraged Pakistani officials and businesspeople to organize Pakistani product fairs in Ghana to enhance Pakistani exports. She also revealed that 34 Ghanaian diplomats had received their education at Pakistan’s Foreign Service Academy.

Ambassador Jauhar Saleem, President of IRS, spoke at the event, emphasizing Africa’s increasing global importance and affirming Pakistan’s eagerness to strengthen ties with all African countries, including the Republic of Ghana.

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