University of Malakand (UoM) (Khyber Mail): MPhil Scholar, Mr. Hayat Ullah, from the Department of Mathematics, has successfully defended his MPhil thesis. The defense was supervised by Dr. Hidayat Ullah Khan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, UoM.

The External Examiner for the defense was Dr. Noor Badshah, Associate Professor, Department of Basic Sciences and Islamiat, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar.

The Chairman of the Department of Mathematics, UoM, Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad, along with faculty members, congratulated the MPhil Scholar and his Research Supervisor on this achievement. They appreciated the scholar’s accomplishments and advised him to continue exploring the same area.

Mr. Hayat Ullah expressed his gratitude to all his teachers, family members, friends, and well-wishers who helped him achieve this milestone. This successful defense marks a significant step in his academic journey. Congratulations to Mr. Hayat Ullah on this achievement!

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