SWAT (Staff Report): Mr. Masud Shah, a dedicated M.Phil Scholar in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Swat (UoS), has achieved a significant milestone by successfully defending his M.Phil thesis.

The thesis, titled “Application of Causal Operator in Qualitative Analysis of Fractional Order Differential Equation,” was completed under the expert guidance and supervision of Professor Dr. Ghaus ur Rahman, Chairman of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at UoS.

The defense session, held with great scholarly rigor, was attended by Associate Prof. Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad, Chairman of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Malakand, who served as the External Examiner.

Dr. Ghaus ur Rahman, Chairman of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, along with the esteemed faculty members, warmly congratulated Mr. Masud Shah on his successful defense. They also encouraged and inspired him to continue exploring the same area of study for future research and contributions to the field.

Mr. Masud Shah expressed his gratitude to all his well-wishers, teachers, and family members for their unwavering support throughout his academic journey and for their role in helping him achieve this noteworthy accomplishment. With his dedication and determination, Mr. Masud Shah has added a valuable contribution to the field of Mathematics through his M.Phil thesis, setting a strong example for aspiring scholars in the future.

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