Lahore (Agencies): Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi addressed the course participants of the 52nd Pakistan Navy Staff Course at Pakistan Navy War College (PNWC), Lahore.

Upon arrival at PNWC, the Naval Chief was received by Commandant PN War College Rear Admiral Javaid Iqbal.

While addressing the course members, the Naval Chief delineated upon major challenges of the current era and technological changes occurring at a breathtaking pace. Accordingly, he stressed upon the need to tailor our training regime to meet the challenges and incorporate modern education and training tools to improve the quality of our Human Resources, which is the backbone of the Navy.

The Naval Chief advised the officers to focus on developing their leadership skills and constant personal improvement, specifically underscoring the importance of ethics and values as enshrined in Islam.
Earlier in the day, a panel, of course, members presented a research paper on “Professional Military Education: Analysis and Way Forward”.

The Chief of the Naval Staff lauded the research work and appreciated the efforts of Pakistan Navy War College in honing the skills of officers to meet diverse and multifarious challenges. The Naval Chief also inaugurated a state-of-the-art War Gaming Simulator at the college indigenously developed by Pakistan’s Maritime Technological Complex. The development of simulators is aimed at promoting professional skills to simultaneously validate war gaming solutions in high-intensity conflict environments.
Pakistan Navy War College is the premier seat of learning of the Pakistan Navy.

The participants of PN Staff Course include officers from Tri-Services of Pakistan and also from friendly countries.

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