PESHAWAR (Staff Report): Highlighting the invaluable role of appropriate wheelchairs for individuals with mobility disabilities, Dr. Syed Mohammad Ilyas, Chief Executive Officer of Paraplegic Centre Peshawar, emphasized the significance of these devices in enhancing the quality of life for those in need.

A one-day workshop on wheelchair usage was organized by Paraplegic Center Peshawar for senior officers of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal. The workshop aimed to shed light on the importance of wheelchairs in facilitating the lives of individuals with disabilities, covering topics such as the definition of wheelchairs, various types available, and the suitable type for different patients. Distinctions between wheelchairs for children and adults, as well as commercially available versus custom-designed wheelchairs, were also discussed. The characteristics of a good wheelchair and the procurement process were highlighted during the session.

Paraplegic Center Peshawar is renowned for not only providing tailored wheelchairs free of charge to its patients, precisely matched to their medical conditions and physical structures but also for its collaboration with the University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar. This collaboration aims to locally design and produce innovative and standardized wheelchairs, contributing to substantial foreign exchange savings for Pakistan.

Senior officers of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal, including Director Lal Badshah, actively participated in the workshop, showing keen interest in the standards of wheelchairs produced at Paraplegic Center and the ongoing work in this field. The workshop not only praised the quality of wheelchairs manufactured at Paraplegic Center but also highlighted the positive impact of the center’s efforts. The dedication of Paraplegic Center Peshawar’s staff and management to the mission of inclusivity and the empowerment of individuals with disabilities received commendation.

Dr. Syed Muhammad Ilyas, the Chief Executive Officer, delivered a comprehensive presentation, welcoming the Director and high-ranking officers of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal. He expressed hope for future collaboration, emphasizing the potential success in bringing about positive changes in the lives of thousands of individuals with disabilities. Other speakers, including Deputy Director of Assistive Technology Mansoor Golra, Rehab Engineer Salman Khan, and Director Rehab Dr. Aamir Zaib, also addressed the participants.

In conclusion, Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman, Chairman Board of Paraplegic Center Peshawar, expressed gratitude to all the participants and distributed certificates of appreciation. The workshop served as a platform for fruitful discussions, fostering collaboration and promoting the welfare of individuals with disabilities.

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