Islamabad (Staff Report): President Dr. Arif Alvi conveyed the importance of enhancing trade and economic cooperation between Pakistan and Maldives for their mutual benefit during a meeting with the outgoing High Commissioner of Maldives to Pakistan, Farzana Zahir.

The meeting, held at Aiwan-e-Sadr, highlighted the potential for expanding bilateral trade, with a focus on exporting Pakistani products such as textiles, fabrics, rice, cement, and pharmaceuticals to Maldives.

President Alvi emphasized the significance of Pakistan’s relations with Maldives within the framework of regional and international organizations, including the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the United Nations, and Commonwealth. Both countries share common views on important global issues, particularly the threat posed by global warming.

The President stressed the need for closer collaboration among nations to address the severity of natural disasters and climate change, which affects both developed and developing countries alike. Additionally, he called for strengthened cooperation in the tourism sector to learn from each other’s experiences.

President Alvi expressed deep concern over the isolation and persecution of Muslims in India, particularly in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK), urging the international community to take notice of the grave human rights violations by Indian security forces.

In light of the rising wave of Islamophobia, the President emphasized the importance of Islamic countries working together to counter this issue.

He also congratulated the outgoing High Commissioner on the successful completion of her tenure and appreciated her efforts in enhancing Pakistan-Maldives ties.

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