Islamabad (Adnan Hameed): The Ambassador of Thailand to Pakistan, Chakkrid Krachaiwong, marked Thai Armed Forces Day with a celebration that underscored the longstanding friendship between Thailand and Pakistan.

The event, graced by Lt. General Muhammad Aqeel, Inspector General of Communication and Information Technology, Pakistan Army, and presided over by Col. Thanaei Permpul, Defence and Military Attaché of Thailand, emphasized over 70 years of diplomatic relations.

Addressing the gathering, Ambassador Krachaiwong highlighted the historical connection between Thailand and Pakistan, tracing it back to the Gandhara civilization. He commended Pakistan as a pivotal player in South Asia, recognizing its potential to play a crucial role in maintaining regional peace and security amid global volatility.

Lt. General Muhammad Aqeel, as the chief guest, shared insights into the significance of military and security cooperation between the two nations. He emphasized the importance of leveraging their strategic locations for mutual benefit, paving the way for enhanced military collaboration.

Expressing gratitude for Pakistan’s hospitality towards foreigners, Ambassador Krachaiwong highlighted positive experiences shared by those who have interacted with the country. He expressed optimism about the deepening ties between the defence and military attachés, envisioning a continued contribution to global well-being.

Colonel Thanaei Permpul, in his remarks, acknowledged Lt. General Mohamed Aqeel for gracing the occasion and underscored the strategic significance of both Pakistan and Thailand within the region. He proposed leveraging their positions for mutual benefit, emphasizing the potential for enhanced military collaboration.

The event featured captivating cultural performances by Thai children, earning widespread applause from the audience. The celebration aimed to honor the bravery of men and women in uniform, recognizing their sacrifices and acknowledging the crucial support of their families.

Ambassador Krachaiwong concluded the event with optimism, expressing confidence in the continued deepening of cooperation and friendly ties between the defence and military attaches of Thailand and Pakistan for the greater good of the global community.

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