Malakand (Staff Report): In a remarkable academic achievement, Ms. Humaira, a dedicated PhD Scholar in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Malakand (UoM), has successfully defended her doctoral thesis. Her research, titled “FIXED POINT RESULTS IN COMPLEX VALUED FUZZY METRIC SPACE WITH APPLICATIONS,” marks a significant contribution to the field of mathematics.

Ms. Humaira’s journey to her PhD was guided by the expertise and mentorship of Associate Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sarwar from the Department of Mathematics at UoM. Under his supervision, she delved into complex mathematical concepts, leading to the development of a thesis that has garnered recognition for its excellence.

One of the notable achievements of Ms. Humaira’s doctoral journey is the publication of five research papers stemming from her thesis. These papers have been published in high-impact factor journals, highlighting the quality and relevance of her research to the broader academic community.

The defense of her thesis was conducted with the involvement of external examiners, Dr. Gohar Ali from Islamia College Peshawar and Professor Dr. Akbar Azam from COMSATS University Islamabad. Their expertise and evaluation further validate the significance of Ms. Humaira’s work.

Upon her successful defense, the Chairman of the Department of Mathematics, Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad, along with faculty members, extended their heartfelt congratulations to Ms. Humaira and her dedicated research supervisor, Dr. Muhammad Sarwar. They commended her for her commitment to advancing the frontiers of mathematical knowledge and encouraged her to continue her exploration in this area for future advancements.

Ms. Humaira expressed her gratitude to all her well-wishers, teachers, and family members who supported her throughout her academic journey, culminating in this remarkable achievement. Her dedication and scholarly contributions serve as an inspiration to aspiring mathematicians and researchers alike.

  • About the University of Malakand (UoM):

The University of Malakand is a renowned institution of higher education in Pakistan, committed to promoting academic excellence and research across various disciplines. Its Department of Mathematics has a strong tradition of producing accomplished mathematicians and scholars

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