SANA (Agencies): In a recent development, the Yemeni Armed Forces have reported an interception operation against the Maersk Gibraltar cargo ship destined for Israeli ports. According to an official statement released on Thursday, Yemeni Naval Forces executed a military operation utilizing a drone after the crew of Maersk Gibraltar failed to acknowledge warnings.

The Yemeni Armed Forces emphasized their success in preventing the passage of multiple ships heading to the Israeli destination in the last 48 hours. The statement outlined the commitment of Yemeni forces to continue obstructing vessels bound for Israeli ports in the Arabian and Red Seas until essential food and medical supplies reach the besieged Gaza Strip.

Earlier reports on Thursday confirmed a missile fired at the Maersk Gibraltar cargo ship by Yemeni forces, as disclosed by a US official. Danish shipping company Maersk assured the safety of the crew and vessel in a subsequent statement.

Additionally, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) received a communication from an entity claiming to be the Yemeni Navy, instructing a vessel to change its course to Yemen.

On a related note, Abdul-Malik al-Ajri, a member of Ansar Allah’s Political Bureau, underscored the interconnectedness of peace in the Red Sea and a ceasefire in Gaza. Al-Ajri asserted that achieving calm in the Red Sea hinges on establishing a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, citing the ongoing escalation by the Israeli occupation against Gaza’s civilian population. He contended that the presence of naval fleets in the Red Sea would not guarantee security for Israel or ships heading to the region.

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