BEIJING (Agencies) China has supplied Gwadar port with an early warning system to help mitigate the harmful impacts of natural disasters such as catastrophic floods, heavy rains, and meteorological hazards. The equipment, provided by the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) to the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), includes the establishment of a mobile vertical observation system, a Beidou Navigation sounding station, and three automatic weather stations (AWS), including two backup AWS and a large screen. Following the installation and operation of the equipment at Gwadar Port, the next areas to benefit will be Jiwani and Turbat in Balochistan, according to Chinese media.

The collaboration between the CMA and PMD is part of efforts to enhance the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)’s capacity for emergency management of major meteorological disasters under the Belt and Road Initiative. The CMA is also assisting the PMD in enhancing its institutional capabilities to address emerging hydro-meteorological challenges.

For site selection, transportation, installation, commissioning, daily operation, and maintenance, the PMD has formed a three-member team to coordinate with the CMA. Last year, on March 24, meteorological officers and experts from China and Pakistan held discussions in Beijing to deepen cooperation in meteorological science and technology. During their visit to the Chinese capital, the Pakistani delegation also visited relevant agencies under the CMA to learn about the progress of the cloud-based early warning support system in Pakistan and discussed customized plans for Pakistan.

The PMD and CMA will strengthen cooperation in monitoring, forecasting, hydrology, communication, research, and training. China and Pakistan are important members of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Regional Association II. The bilateral cooperation between the two countries is of vital significance for meteorological development in Asia.

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