TEL AVIV (Agencies): In response to escalating tensions with Iran, Israel has initiated a comprehensive blockade of GPS signals across a significant portion of the country. This defensive measure is designed to disrupt potential missile and drone attacks, specifically targeting the Iranian Shahed-136 drones.

The tensions were heightened following a suspected Israeli airstrike on an Iranian diplomatic building in Syria on April 1. The strike resulted in the death of a senior Iranian general, General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, along with six other military officials. This incident marks a significant escalation in the ongoing covert conflict between Israel and Iran.

Despite Israel’s silence regarding the airstrike, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei promptly accused Israel of the attack. In anticipation of potential reprisals, Israeli authorities have taken proactive measures, including the cancellation of leaves for soldiers serving in combat units.

Since April 4, disruptions to GPS systems have been widely reported across central regions of Israel. The move is strategically aimed at hampering GPS-dependent weapons systems. Citizens have reported difficulties accessing location-based app services in major cities such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Monitoring website GPSJAM confirmed widespread interference with location signals throughout Israel, with GPS devices erroneously indicating distant locations.

This development underscores the increasing complexity of the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East and the evolving nature of warfare in the age of drones and precision-guided munitions.

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