TEL AVIV (Agencies): Intel and the Israeli government have confirmed a $25 billion investment for a new chipmaking factory in the country, marking the largest investment in Israel’s history. The American tech giant, which already employs 11,700 people in Israel, plans to expand its existing chipmaking factory at Kiryat Gat.

The expansion plan is part of Intel’s global strategy to strengthen its position as the leader of the semiconductor industry and build resilience in supply chains amidst rising geopolitical tension. The Israeli government will provide a grant of $3.2 billion for the expansion, and Intel has committed to purchasing 60 billion shekels ($16.6 billion) worth of goods and services from Israeli suppliers over the next decade.

The new plant is expected to open in 2028 and operate through 2035. Intel also has four other development and production sites in Israel, including Kiryat Gat, its most advanced manufacturing facility.

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