Quito (Agencies): Mexico has suspended diplomatic relations with Ecuador following a forceful raid on its embassy in Quito. Ecuadorian police entered the premises, apprehending former Vice President Jorge Glas, who had sought political asylum in Mexico.

Glas, previously convicted twice on corruption charges in his home country, had been residing in the Mexican embassy since late last year. Despite Ecuador’s request for permission to arrest him, Mexico granted him asylum, citing concerns of political persecution.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador publicly announced the decision to sever ties with Ecuador. He condemned the storming of the embassy as an “authoritarian act” and a “flagrant violation of international law and sovereignty.” The situation escalated further when Ecuadorian special forces, clad in tactical gear, forcibly entered the embassy and apprehended Glas.

Ecuador’s presidency defended the raid, asserting its commitment to national sovereignty: “Ecuador is a sovereign nation, and we will not allow any criminal to remain free.” However, legal experts argue that breaching an embassy violates established international norms.

Mexico’s Foreign Minister, Alicia Bárcena, expressed concern over the incident. She reported that several diplomats were injured during the raid, emphasizing that this action contravened the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. As a consequence, Mexican diplomatic personnel will promptly leave Ecuador, and Mexico intends to appeal to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to hold Ecuador accountable for violating international law.

While tensions rise, the world watches closely as two nations grapple with the aftermath of this unprecedented diplomatic crisis. Ecuador’s actions have drawn criticism, and legal experts emphasize that the end does not justify the means, regardless of grievances.

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